Army Air Force Anti-Flak Goggle/Eyeshield

Tuesday October 6th, 2020 admin

Goggles manufactured in heavy gauge olive drab painted steel with a series of six horizontal slit cut-outs for each eye. Simple corduroy face padding at the upper and lower edge and an adjustable elastic strap. Issued about 1944 and rarely worn by aircrews due to their limited visibility, but they […]

Army Air Force M-3 Steel Helmet

Saturday August 22nd, 2020 admin

The M-3 Flak helmet was the first helmet designed expressly for use by American bomber crews. The M-3 has large hinged ear covers on its sides to accommodate a communications headset; the covers were originally lined with felt. Unlike M-1 helmets, the M-3 features a built-in suspension system. The headband […]