~1941.The Great War or earlier

M1903 Cartridge Belt
The original cartridge belt for M-1903 Springfield Rifle. Formal nomenclature acquired.
~1941.The Great War or earlier
The original cartridge belt for M-1903 Springfield Rifle. Formal nomenclature acquired.
Model 1876 McKeever Cartridge Box The McKeever cartridge box is named for its designer, First Lieutenant Samuel McKeever of the US 2nd Infantry Regiment. It was originally designed in 1874 and continued to be used in various calibers and styles by the US Army till 1910. There is a bellows […]
Also known as “M-1912 Cavalry Bandoleer” among militaria collectors. Six pockets for Springfield rifle clip, three small horizon pockets for pistol or revolver ammunition. QMC JEFF 1921. Stock Number Reference: Bandoleer, Cavalry (no available stock number)
The garrison belt was for use in barracks or on duties when cartridge belt was not acquired. The belt had no provision for carrying ammunition, so special pocket were issued in pairs, each holding one 5-round charger for Springfield rifle and fitted to the belt by means of a broad […]
Holds 12 .38 cartridges for Colt Model 1892. Rock Isle Arsenal (R.I.A), 1904. Stock Number Reference: (nomenclature acquired) (stock number? what’s the stock number?)
In 1908, the M1904 haversack was reevaluated and the design slightly changed. The haversack, now designated as the M1908 was slightly smaller than the M1904. Also the two wire hooks on the back were replaced by two spring hooks. This haversack was the standard issue haversack for soldiers of the […]
Economic version of M1910 Mounted Cartridge Belt. On the latest version, a female snap is added to the pistol magazine pouch panel. Stock Number Reference: Belt, Cartridge, Mounted, M1917 stock number unavailable
Used by mounted units for carrying M-1903 Springfield rifle ammunition. Mounted version has nine pockets, one less than the dismounted version, leaves a blank panel for a M1912 Double Pistol Magazine Pocket. Stock Number Reference: Belt, Cartridge, Mounted, M1910 Stock Number Unavailable
These two bandoleers are carried by BAR assistants, each one has three two-magazine pocket. The bandoleers ere paired left and right and have adjustable shoulder strap. They are also used for holding empty magazines. Many WWI web gears were still in use in WWII, mostly used by Marines, these bandoleers […]
Stock Number Reference: Belt, Pistol, M-1912, Without Sabre Ring Stock number not available. Belt, Pistol, M-1912, With Sabre Ring Stock number not available.
The M1912 Ration Bags were part of the failed experimental 1912 Cavalry Equipment. Consisting of two bags, they were used to carry rations for the cavalryman. The two bags laced together and could be worn on the back with the two front straps attached to the cartridge belt. Though the […]
Shown one circa 1917, Mill’s Production. Contents: Left large pocket: medicine case and the diagnosis tag book Left small pocket: hypodermic syringe kit and the case for extra needles Right large pocket: clinical thermometer with carrying case, and officer instrument case containing Right small pocket: flask Stock Number Reference: […]
Also known as “Doughboy Pack”. The M1910 Pack consisted of three separate items designed as an integrated system: the haversack, meatcan pouch and pack carrier. The haversack could nonetheless be worn without the meatcan pouch and pack carrier, but its provided very limited strowage space. All components were made of […]
Shown one circa 1918, economic version. Had capacity for 20 five-round clip for M1903 rifle. Belt, Cartridge, Dismounted, M1917 no available stock number.
Shown one circa 1919, Mill’s production. Stock Number Reference: Pocket, Magazine, Pistol, M-1912 Army Stock Number: 74-P-172
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