Gears based on suspenders and belt, just like the old time.

MOLLE Close Combat Set Modular Belt Set
Stock Number Reference: MOLLE Close Combat Set Modular Belt Set MCN: 8465-01-F05-4532 NSN: (TBD) Assign Date: (TBD) Item provided by G.I.’s friend.
Gears based on suspenders and belt, just like the old time.
Stock Number Reference: MOLLE Close Combat Set Modular Belt Set MCN: 8465-01-F05-4532 NSN: (TBD) Assign Date: (TBD) Item provided by G.I.’s friend.
(Official nomenclature acquired) This kind of cartridge belt pockets came with M-1918A2 BAR rifle in the Vietnam War era. Just like M-1937 BAR Cartridge Belt, each sector has three pockets. The main body of the pocket is made of cotton duck canvas, and the magazines are secured by a nylon […]
The USMC Sub-Belt replaces the cartridge belt and provides a hip-worn platform for carriage of fielded pouches and the USMC Holster via Pouch Attachment Ladder System (PALS). It is distributed in three sizes and is part of the Family of Individual Load Bearing Equipment (ILBE). The USMC Sub-Belt allows for […]
The original cartridge belt for M-1903 Springfield Rifle. Formal nomenclature acquired.
The garrison belt was for use in barracks or on duties when cartridge belt was not acquired. The belt had no provision for carrying ammunition, so special pocket were issued in pairs, each holding one 5-round charger for Springfield rifle and fitted to the belt by means of a broad […]
These modified suspenders are based on an XL sized, 1967 dated M-1956 Suspenders. The mainly modification is a pair of additional front straps and backpack connectors, seem to be used with M-1945 Field Pack (or its local copy). Considering those countries/regions who used America made M-1956 LCE and M-1945 Field […]
Stock Number Reference: Belt, Cartridge, Dismounted, M-1923 FSN: 8465-162-6147 Assign Date: Unknown
Economic version of M1910 Mounted Cartridge Belt. On the latest version, a female snap is added to the pistol magazine pouch panel. Stock Number Reference: Belt, Cartridge, Mounted, M1917 stock number unavailable
Used by mounted units for carrying M-1903 Springfield rifle ammunition. Mounted version has nine pockets, one less than the dismounted version, leaves a blank panel for a M1912 Double Pistol Magazine Pocket. Stock Number Reference: Belt, Cartridge, Mounted, M1910 Stock Number Unavailable
These suspenders were modified from M-1945 Suspenders by some Europe countries (highly probably Greece) that received US military assistance in the Cold War era. There are several modifications: Two “branch straps” were removed. Spring hooks of the front suspendres were replaced by “bottle opener” hooks. Dual tiny D rings replaced […]
Stock Number Reference: Belt, Pistol, M-1912, Without Sabre Ring Stock number not available. Belt, Pistol, M-1912, With Sabre Ring Stock number not available.
Stock Number Reference: Belt, Cartridge, Dismounted, M-1923 Army Stock Number: 74-B-160
Shown one circa 1945. Also known as “M1944 Suspenders” Stock Number Reference: Suspenders, Belt, M1936 Army Stock Number: 74-S-389
Shown one circa 1917, Mill’s Production. Contents: Left large pocket: medicine case and the diagnosis tag book Left small pocket: hypodermic syringe kit and the case for extra needles Right large pocket: clinical thermometer with carrying case, and officer instrument case containing Right small pocket: flask Stock Number Reference: […]
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