Tropical Rucksack

(Follow content copied from item instruction sheet.)



ADJUSTING AND WEARING. Adjust shoulder straps so that the rucksack fits comfortably on the wearer. Backstrap should be tensioned se that at least a two-inch bow is maintained in frame. Frame side straps should be tensioned so that a one-inch vertical bow is maintained. After outside pockets are filled adjust flap securing straps and then use snap fastener feature for access to items

LOADS. Place heavy objects near the frame and sharp and hard objects near the center so they will not rub against the bag. Use the outside pockets for frequently needed articles. Use the bags inside the pockets and the pack to protect items from moisture. Use the flap pocket for flat, flexible objects. Additional items of equipment may be attached to the web hanger above the outside pockets and through he openings between pockets and pack as well as to the hangers near the bottom at the sides. Use the strap loops with removable straps located on each side of the pack for securing rolled items to the pack. Other equipment may be attached to the bottom of the pack by means of the two loops located there. Any available straps, cord, rope, wire, can be used for his purpose.

EMERGENCY QUICK RELEASE OF RUCKSACK. In emergency situations where quick removal of the rucksack is required, grasp quick release straps on both shoulder straps and pull up to release.

GENERAL. When on the move, keep all closures secured and straps taut to protect equipment from loss or damage. Rucksack can be worn without frame. To remove frame release tension from frame side straps; move back strap from frame; remove frame from bottom of pack by pulling on center of frame bottom; remove frame from top pocket.


Clean pack and straps by washing in a warm solution of mild soap or detergent, Rinse with clear water and dry.


Stock Number Reference:

Rucksack, Tropical w/ 3 Small Liner and 1 Large Liner

FSN: 8465-935-6673

Assign Date: Unknown



Liner, Field Pack

Assign Date: 1968-07-24

Size FSN
Size 1 (small) 8465-935-6857
Size 2 (large) 8465-935-6858

Rear view

Side view

Compare with ARVN Rucksack

Compare with ARVN Rucksack
SOG operatives photo, circa 1970, shows examples of some rare gear: experimental M-79 grenade carrier vest, tropical rucksack, AN/PRT-4 & AN/PPR-9 radio set, rubber coated 2qt canteen pouch, and an M-1937 BAR belt is used.
An Army Ranger uses a Tropical Rucksack for carrying a PRC-25 radio, with Lightweight rucksack frame.